Welcome to zGenny's portfolio

About Me

Greetings from the heart of Naples! I'm a Python enthusiast with a deep-seated passion for coding and innovation. My journey in programming is marked by an insatiable curiosity and a drive to tackle the complex challenges of the digital world. My expertise spans web scraping, automation, IoT solutions, and crafting interactive Telegram bots, among others. With a toolbox filled with Python, Java, HTML, and CSS, I'm on a mission to devise cutting-edge solutions that stand at the intersection of creativity and efficiency. Join me as I navigate the fascinating world of technology, where every line of code is a step towards redefining what's possible.


Python Java Web Technologies Database Management Linux


Project 1: Automated Web Scraper

Developed a sophisticated web scraper to automatically extract and process data from multiple sources, significantly reducing manual effort and improving data accuracy for a market research firm.

Project 2: Smart Home IoT System

Designed and implemented a smart home system using Python and IoT technologies, enabling users to control their home appliances remotely and monitor energy usage efficiently.

Contact Me

Interested in collaborating or learning more about my work? Feel free to reach out!

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